Daniel Odier
Daniel Odier
Daniel Odier became disciple of Kalou Rinpoché in 1968. He followed his teachings and received the Mahamûdra transmission. Pursuing his earlier interest in Chan (the Chinese zen of origins), he studied the correlation between Tantra and Ch'an, inspired by the work of the Chinese Chien Ming Chen who he met in Kalimpong in 1968.
Now recognized Sifu (Master), Daniel brings together in his teachings the two paths which have affected him the most deeply. He offers a form of secular Buddhism that does not involve traditional steps such as taking refuge, making vows and other commitments. Daniel's practice is centered around Zhao Zhou style meditation sessions which combine sitting meditation and vigorous lively walking, always in a state of total presence. Daniel has also written numerous novels, essays and poems. He has translated the works of Lalla, a fourteenth century poet and spiritual master (Seuil) as well as an anthology of texts from Chan and Zen masters collected by Thomas Cleary and published under the title "The secrets of meditation" (Pockets).